Analiza vertikalnog MOS tranzistora u tehnologiji silicij ni na čemu
Mario Perić U radu je prikazan kratki opis tehnologije silicija na izolatoru, prednosti te strukture i problemi prilikom skaliranja. Ta struktura zajedno sa strukturom silicija ni na čemu poslužiti će nam u razumijevanju strukture vertikalnog MOS tranzistora u tehnologiji silicija ni na čemu. Prikazati ćemo različite tehnološke izvedbe te strukture, optimizirati geometrijske i topološke dimenzije. Pomoću dvodimenzionalnog 2D simulatora MEDICI izvršena analizu je i povezanost tehnološke...
Analiza višeodredišnog prometa u mrežama s višeprotokolnom komutacijom označenih paketa
Vanja Divković S pojavom usluga kao što su IPTV i višeodredišne virtualne privatne mreže značaj višeodredišnog prometa u IP mrežama raste. Stoga se javlja potreba za njegovom boljom kontrolom i osiguranjem kvalitete usluge. U ovom radu su predstavljene tehnike prometnog inženjeringa višeodredišnog prometa u MPLS mrežama. Pri tome je naglasak bio na izračunavanju i prikazu izračunatih višeodredišnih putova pomoću programskog alata TOTEM. Trenutno TOTEM i svi za njega implementirani...
Analiza zaštite sinhronog generatora pri prijelaznim asinhronim stanjima
Ante Marušić Kvarovi i smetnje u pogonu sinkronoga generatora odražavaju se na prilike u elektroenergetskom sustavu, i obrnuto poremećaji u radu elektroenergetskog sustava mogu utjecati na rad generatora.
U uvodnom dijelu je opisana problematika pogona i relejne zaštite sinkronoga generatora glede njegove uloge u elektroenergetskom sustavu, odnosno njegovog značaja s obzirom na nazivnu snagu i način priključka na mrežu. Uvodno poglavlje obuhvaća još i prikaz opsega istraživanja, te pregled...
Analiza značajki naprednih modulacijskih postupaka u unaprijeđenom HSPA sustavu
Davor Grgurević Pokretni širokopojasni pristup zahtjeva napredne tehnike da bi se udovoljilo sve većim zahtjevima krajnjih korisnika. Unaprijeđeni HSPA ili HSPA+ je prirodni nastavak trenutno komercijalnih UMTS/HSPA sustava, koji omogućava povećanu brzinu podataka i smanjenu latenciju krajnjeg korisnika za paketni tip veze. Povećane brzine podataka su korisne za zahtjevnije aplikacije poput pokretne televizije dok smanjena latencija omogućuje krajnjem korisniku poboljšanu percepciju korištenja...
Analysis of Conducted Electromagnetic Emissions in Integrated Circuits
Vladimir Čeperić Design of integrated circuits (IC) is a very complex task. One of the most critical steps in the design process is the estimation of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of the designed circuit. Electronic equipment has to comply with electromagnetic compatibility standards and integrated circuits are most often the root cause of disturbances in electronic systems. The standards regarding conducted EME (Electromagnetic Emission) and EMI(Electromagnetic Immunity) are measured and simulated as...
Analysis of Technical and Ethical Acceptability of Wireless Body Implant Applications
Hrvoj Lehpamer Application of wireless neural implants is a highly controversial topic. Unfortunately, it is a common occurrence that during development of many new technologies, social and ethical issues are not examined. The complexity of procedures examining ethical issues is one of the main reasons for this situation as well as ethical audit of the project demands additional time and resources. In the doctoral thesis research discusses the wireless implant technology and focuses on the necessity of an...
Analysis of parameter influence on performance of LEO scientific satellite ground stations in urban areas
Shkelzen Cakaj International efforts are oriented on global mobile communication satellite system that is fully integrated with the terrestrial mobile system. Space observation and other scientific missions are developing especially in the fields where similar researches can not be done by means on the Earth. Thus, satellite ground stations applications in the future will further develop, related to both, massive communication and scientific purposes. The performance of the ground station is of high...
Analysis of reflector antenna systems by means of new conical wave objects
Siniša Škokić This dissertation discusses a method of analysing reflector antenna systems by means of a new type of wave objects. By expanding the electric field spectrum in a sum of complex exponentials (GPOF expansion), the radiation integral reduces to a sum of simpler integrals which can be solved in closed form, whereby each of them represents one wave object that rigorously satisfies the wave equation. Vector electromagnetic fields are calculated from these wave objects via auxiliary vector...
Analytical Method for Forecasting of Telecommunications Service Life-Cycle Quantitative Factors
Mladen Sokele The forecasting of telecommunications services techno-economic indicators for business planning purposes has become increasingly significant, especially for telecommunications equipment manufacturers and telecom operators. The scope of Thesis was the research and development of the analytical method for forecasting of telecommunications service life-cycle quantitative factors. The analytical forecasting method was based on the modelling of known parts of certain telecommunications service's...
Anslysis of signal propagation in optical fiber based on finite-difference method
Sonja Zentner Pilinsky The goal of the thesis was to find the accurate numerical method for simulation of pulse propagation in optical fiber and to develop the computer program for simulation of an optical link. The propagation equation for optical pulse propagation through the fiber is derived from Maxwell equations and it includes the main effects acting on the signal properties: fiber losses, group velocity dispersion, polarization dispersion and nonlinear effects. The solitons and DM solitons are analyzed and...
Antene za pokretne i osobne komunikacije
Marijan Bezjak Prikazani su pokretni komunikacijski sustavi i njihova podjela obzirom na vrste rada, vrste veza i namjenu. Definirani su parametri pasivnih i aktivnih antena. Dan je pregled postojećih antena koje se koriste u pokretnim i osobnim komunikacijama. Razmotrena je uloga mikrotrakastih antena, njihove prednosti i nedostaci. Detaljno su opisani postupci konstrukcije dva najčešća predstavnika, pravokutne i kružne mikrotrakaste antene. Dana je temeljna teorija i detaljni prikaz niskoprofilnih...
Application of active elements in artificial electromagnetic structures
Josip Lončar Active metamaterials are a group of artificial electromagnetic structures that employ active electronic circuits. They are characterized by specific properties, such as amplification, non-reciprocal response, dynamic reconfigurability and dynamic tunability, in addition to properties associated with passive metamaterials. Instability is the most challenging problem facing active metamaterials, especially those incorporating negative elements. The thesis includes a detailed stability analysis...