
Application of active elements in artificial electromagnetic structures
Application of active elements in artificial electromagnetic structures
Josip Lončar
Active metamaterials are a group of artificial electromagnetic structures that employ active electronic circuits. They are characterized by specific properties, such as amplification, non-reciprocal response, dynamic reconfigurability and dynamic tunability, in addition to properties associated with passive metamaterials. Instability is the most challenging problem facing active metamaterials, especially those incorporating negative elements. The thesis includes a detailed stability analysis...
Application of genetic programming in wireless communications networks space optimization
Application of genetic programming in wireless communications networks space optimization
Vjekoslav-Leonard Prčić
With the ever-growing presence of electronic devices that permeate the world we live in, enabling them to communicate with one another and share domain-specific information each device can provide has become the forefront of future technologies and solutions to every-day problems, making our life richer and helping the society to grow. The Internet of Things, as this network of computers and other devices is commonly referred to, is being constantly exposed to various solutions that aim to...
Applications of Evolutionary Computation to Cryptology
Applications of Evolutionary Computation to Cryptology
Stjepan Picek
In this dissertation we work on several applications of evolutionary computation to difficult problems in cryptology. After the introduction, first chapter deals with the evolution of Boolean functions that can be used in cryptography. Next chapter deals with the evolution of S-boxes with the goal of increasing their DPA resistance. Next application is optimization of combinatorial circuits in order to increase the throughput. Final application is the evolution of search space parameters...
Arhitektura i izvedba dinamički promjenjivog procesora
Arhitektura i izvedba dinamički promjenjivog procesora
Hrvoje Mlinarić
U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji pod naslovom „Arhitektura i izvedba dinamički promjenjivog procesora“ predložena je nova arhitektura dinamički promjenjivog procesora koji svoju primjenu ima u izvedbama algoritama za digitalnu obradu signala. Predložena nova arhitektura dinamički promjenjivog procesora projektirana je korištenjem HDL jezika, optimizirana za sklopovsku sintezu, te prototipno izvedena u programibilnoj logici. Predloženi su postupci korištenja novopredložene...
Arhitektura izlaznog stupnja poluvodičkog kratkovalnog odašiljača velike snage za digitalnu radiodifuziju.
Arhitektura izlaznog stupnja poluvodičkog kratkovalnog odašiljača velike snage za digitalnu radiodifuziju.
Goran Pavlaković
U poglavlju 1 opisan je razvoj radiodifuzije od 1887. pa sve do danas. Prvi poznati prijenos informacije pomoću elektromagnetskog vala ostvario je Heinrich Hertz u nastojanju potvrđivanja Maxwellove teorije elektromagnetskih valova. U svom eksperimentu načinio je prvi odašiljački sustav koji se sastojao od odašiljača i prijemnika s iskrištem te uspješno potvrdio Maxwellovu teoriju. Odašiljač s iskrištem i njegove izvedenice nastavio se koristiti u komercijalne svrhe, za što je...
Arhitektura sustava Interneta stvari temeljena na metaprotokolu za prijenos podataka
Arhitektura sustava Interneta stvari temeljena na metaprotokolu za prijenos podataka
Luka Milić
Predlaže se arhitektura za IoT temeljena na metaprotokolu za komunikaciju među čvorovima i sustavu pravila za konfiguraciju čvorova. U njoj se ne rabi tradicionalna podjela na slojeve, nego se svaki čvor promatra kao ravnopravan sa svima ostalima. Kategoriju čvora određuje uloga koja je za taj čvor skrojena. Pri tom čvor može biti jednostavan senzorski čvor, ili nešto složenije, kao što je usmjernik ili čvor koji pohranjuje i obrađuje podatke. Čvor može imati i više uloga,...
Arhitektura višeagentskog sustava temeljena na obojenim Petrijevim mrežama
Arhitektura višeagentskog sustava temeljena na obojenim Petrijevim mrežama
Jan Šnajder
U radu je prikazan općeniti formalni model višeagentskog sustava koji omogućava modeliranje prostorno-vremenskih odnosa i uporabu ponašajnih značajki agenata uključivo njihovo rađanje i umiranje. Model predstavlja proširenje teorije akcije temeljene na utjecajima i reakciji koje omogućava modeliranje trajanja promjena kao i međudjelovanje simultanih akcija. Formalni je model nezavisan od područja primjene i same arhitekture agenata, te je primjenjiv na virtualne i fizičke...
Assessing the quality of experience of virtual reality games
Assessing the quality of experience of virtual reality games
Sara Vlahović
Over the last decade, numerous consumer-grade VR systems have emerged on the market, offering affordable prices with the promise of providing a highly immersive experience. However, consumers have remained reluctant to invest in personal VR devices. The issue of inadequate user satisfaction with currently available systems and services highlights the need for further research in the field of Quality of Experience (QoE) for immersive media such as VR. To better understand the ways in which...
Atmosferski prenaponi na srednjenaponskim vodovima s izoliranim vodičima i nadzemnim kabelskim vodovima
Atmosferski prenaponi na srednjenaponskim vodovima s izoliranim vodičima i nadzemnim kabelskim vodovima
Boris Babić
Prenaponske pojave atmosferskog porijekla predstavljaju značajan izvor kvarova na nadzemnim vodovima. U ovom radu analizirani su atmosferski prenaponi na nadzemnim srednjenaponskim vodovima s izoliranim vodičima i nadzemnim srednjenaponskim kabelskim vodovima. Te dvije tehnologije predstavljaju alternativu klasičnim nadzemnim vodovima s golim vodičima. Iako se SN vodovi s izoliranim vodičima u svijetu koriste više desetljeća, u našim razdjelnim mrežama su još uvijek slabo...
Audio augmented reality as navigation aid for remotely operated vehicle piloting
Audio augmented reality as navigation aid for remotely operated vehicle piloting
Antonio Vasilijević
The majority of Human--Machine Interfaces (HMIs) designed for the tele-operation of unmanned vehicles only present information visually. Frequent overloading of the operator's visual channel may result in accidents. To reduce the occurrence of accidents and improve overall operating performance, this thesis proposes the implementation of the audio Augmented Reality (AR) paradigm in the form of a spatial auditory display for complex navigation tasks such as path following (route guidance) or...
Automated configuring of non-iterative co-simulation modeled by synchronous data flow
Automated configuring of non-iterative co-simulation modeled by synchronous data flow
Slaven Glumac
This thesis proposes the use of a synchronous data flow graph (SDFG) to model the computation of a non-iterative co-simulation. An SDFG is a determinate model of computation with a lot of scheduling research available. A method for creating an SDFG from a co-simulation network, initial tokens and simulator step sizes is described. A simulator in the proposed method is a synchronous data flow actor that is used to model the execution of a co-simulation slave. It is shown that such an SDFG has...
Automatic brightness control in near-infrared spectrum using approximate face region detection
Automatic brightness control in near-infrared spectrum using approximate face region detection
Jurica Vugrin
The face analysis field is a well-established research area in computer vision and image processing. A very important requirement for face analysis algorithms to work properly is to have a high-quality input face image regardless of various illumination conditions. For that reason, near-infrared images are used instead of visible spectrum images. To obtain a high-quality near-infrared face image, the fast automatic brightness control with approximate face region detection is introduced which...
