
Opportunistic authentication methods in new generation networks
Opportunistic authentication methods in new generation networks
Ana Kukec
The thesis addresses shortages of the IPv6 security shield, provides comprehensive analyzes of IPv6 protocols, particularly mobility and security protocols, and identifies pitfalls of known IPv6 authentication means. Afterwards, it conducts a comparative study of existing authentication mechanisms and defines a list of requirements as a postulate for the proposal of new authentication mechanisms and methods. In order to propose the solutions which solve the identified shortages following the...
Optical communication based on wavelength reuse and modulation averaging
Optical communication based on wavelength reuse and modulation averaging
Marko Šprem
Optical communication systems with wavelength reuse are systems in which a single wavelength is used for transmitting and receiving information over a single optical fiber. In such systems, the information encoded in the amplitude of an optical signal arriving at a terminal has to be erased before the signal is amplified and remodulated with new information. The doubling of bandwidth efficiency offered by wavelength reuse architectures is of special interest in wavelength division multiplex...
Optimal Control of a DC Microgrid with Renewable Energy Sources
Optimal Control of a DC Microgrid with Renewable Energy Sources
Marko Gulin
A microgrid is a cluster of distributed generation sources, storage devices and loads that operate together. Ideally, they improve reliability and quality of the power supply and the power system. Microgrids are expected to significantly reduce power transmission losses and enable integration of a large share of renewable energy sources. This doctoral dissertation primarily develops control algorithms for residential grid-connected DC microgrids with renewable energy sources to improve...
Optimal control of a mobile manipulator for spraying and suckering tasks in viticulture
Optimal control of a mobile manipulator for spraying and suckering tasks in viticulture
Ivo Vatavuk
This thesis deals with the application of optimization and optimal control for the execution of viticulture related tasks with a mobile manipulator. The focus is on viticultural procedures that require manipulation for their successful execution, namely viticultural spraying and suckering. The central challenge tackled in this thesis is the application of prioritized optimization and optimal control to resolve different kinds of redundancies that arise in the execution of mentioned tasks....
Optimal control of a tower crane based on the polytopic linear parameter varying model
Optimal control of a tower crane based on the polytopic linear parameter varying model
Šandor Ileš
The crane is modeled as three dynamically coupled subsystems, where the coupling among them is treated as a variation in the system’s parameters. The first part of the thesis proposes a control scheme that consists of a feedback controller with an additional neural network-based friction compensator. Neural network parameter adaptation law is derived using the Lyapunov stability analysis. The second part of the thesis concentrates on a distributed non-linear model predictive control that...
Optimal coordinated and robust control of electrical power distribution system
Optimal coordinated and robust control of electrical power distribution system
Branimir Novoselnik
Reliable and efficient functioning of a modern electrical power distribution system, which comprises numerous interacting subsystems (components of distribution system itself, distributed energy sources, storage units and consumers), is becoming increasingly important due to the growing penetration of distributed intermittent energy sources in power distribution systems. The dynamic interaction of locally managed subsystems gives rise to complex dynamic behaviour of the overall system and...
Optimal energy and reserves scheduling through controllable charging and discharging a fleet of electric vehicles
Optimal energy and reserves scheduling through controllable charging and discharging a fleet of electric vehicles
Ivan Pavić
The increasing share of electric vehicles creates new challenges for both the power and the transport systems. The power system is affected at multiple levels, from distribution and transmission grid operation, through new balancing efforts, up to the long-term power system adequacy issues. To decrease the negative effect of electric vehicles on power system, uncontrollable charging can be replaced with smart charging concept (unidirectional or bidirectional controllable). Smart charging...
Optimal power system operation and planning of investments in new lines, energy storage and continuous serial compensation of power lines
Optimal power system operation and planning of investments in new lines, energy storage and continuous serial compensation of power lines
Zora Luburić
Modern power systems tend to increase the capacity of integrated RES. While the RES contribute to power system decarbonisation, on the other hand their variable generation is often characterized as poorly predictable and controllable, often away from the load centres. Transmission of electricity in periods of high production might cause line congestion. However, there are devices that can improve efficiency of electricity transmission and provide flexibility to the grid, such as Energy...
Optimalan razmještaj distribuirane proizvodnje u srednjenaponskim elektroenergetskim mrežama
Optimalan razmještaj distribuirane proizvodnje u srednjenaponskim elektroenergetskim mrežama
Rene Prenc
Traženje optimalnoga razmještaja distribuirane proizvodnje u srednjenaponskim elektroenergetskim mrežama predstavlja nelinearan kombinatorički optimizacijski problem koji se u znanstvenoj literaturi javlja početkom 90-tih godina prošloga stoljeća. Ovisno o funkciji cilja koju se optimizira, prisutan je niz interpretacija optimizacijskoga problema. Također je do sada razvijen i čitav set metoda za njegovo rješavanje, uključujući egzaktne i heurističke metode. U doktorskoj...
Optimalna koordinacija proizvodnje električne energije iz vjetra i vode
Optimalna koordinacija proizvodnje električne energije iz vjetra i vode
Perica Ilak
Ovaj rad istražuje postojanje prirodne komplementarnosti združene proizvodnje električne energije iz vjetra i vode, a koja rezultira operativnom sinergijom. Ovim se radom također nastoji kreirati univerzalan matematički model koordinacije stohastičkog i determinističkog izvora s ograničenim zalihama primijenjen na vodno-vjetrenu koordinaciju. Koordinacija podrazumijeva angažiranje hidroelektrane kada ostvarena proizvodnja vjetrene elektrane odstupa od ugovorene. Jasno je da će u...
Optimalni model podatkovne arhitekture telekomunikacijskog informacijskog sustava
Optimalni model podatkovne arhitekture telekomunikacijskog informacijskog sustava
Željko Golik
Predmet ovog rada je definiranje optimalnog modela jedinstvene arhitekture telekomunikacijske baze podataka sa svrhom podrške u upravljanju i nadzoru telekomunikacijskog sustava. Opisana je telekomunikacijska platforma (TMN, IN) sa tendencijom razvoja prema telekomunikacijsko informacijskoj mrežnoj arhitekturi (TINA) podržanoj ODP sustavom. Nadalje, opisani su objektni modeli sa ciljem definiranja jedinstvene arhitekture telekomunikacijske baze podataka. Predloženi model primijenjen je...
Optimalni prihvat distribuirane proizvodnje električne energije u uvjetima otvorenog tržišta
Optimalni prihvat distribuirane proizvodnje električne energije u uvjetima otvorenog tržišta
Marko Aunedi
Problem optimalne raspodjele opterećenja među agregatima i izbora agregata u elektroenergetskom sustavu predstavlja nelinearni optimizacijski problem, i za njegovo su rješavanje do sada primjenjivane različite metode. Od sredine 90-tih godina za rješavanje spomenutog problema počinju se primjenjivati i evolucijski algoritmi. U posljednje se vrijeme sve više pažnje posvećuje tzv. distribuiranoj proizvodnji, koja uključuje manje proizvodne jedinice smještene u blizini potrošača....
