
Modelling coordinated operation of two independently owned hydro power plants in same basin
Modelling coordinated operation of two independently owned hydro power plants in same basin
Ivan Rajšl
Interaction of two independent owners on the same reservoir (using the same water resources) was the main driver of this research. Very few papers in recent literature deal with this problem. The main objective of the thesis was to establish a framework for the coordination of two independently owned Hydro Power Plants sharing the same reservoir. The relationship between two independent hydropower companies that use water from the same reservoir is described and a model of financial...
Modelling local electricity market in distribution networks
Modelling local electricity market in distribution networks
Lin Herenčić
The energy sector is characterized by a growing share of variable renewable energy sources, primarily solar and wind power plants, and the spread of electrification in the heating, transport and industry sectors. Such trends require an increase in flexibility in the power system, which can be achieved by developing smart grids and new business models. The dissertation explores the potential of local energy markets to mitigate unfavourable consumption/production patterns and contribute to...
Modelling of Integrated Circuit Packages and Electromagnetic Coupling to Interconnects
Modelling of Integrated Circuit Packages and Electromagnetic Coupling to Interconnects
Tvrtko Mandić
In recent years, due to an increasing level of electromagnetic (EM) pollution, the electronic circuits are confronting rising demands on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Since EMC has become one of the major causes of printed circuit board (PCB) and integrated circuit redesign, the prediction of the EM field interference is of great importance. Standardized EMC tests enable the assessment of the compliance of electronic circuits to the imposed norms. Inability of the electronic circuit...
Modelling of network traffic for multiplayer role playing games based on user behaviour
Modelling of network traffic for multiplayer role playing games based on user behaviour
Mirko Sužnjević
While network traffic characteristics of Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPG) are known to be very variable and somehow linked to game dynamics and user behaviour, the actual relationships have, thus far, not been described in a comprehensive and unified way, which could sucessfully be applied for synthetic traffic generation. This thesis aims to fill this gap by proposing a novel source based MMORPG traffic model, which explains and captures observed variations of...
Mogućnosti primjene djelomično strukturiranih dokumenata u bankarstvu
Mogućnosti primjene djelomično strukturiranih dokumenata u bankarstvu
Sanel Volarić
Pod utjecajem velike konkurencije banke se nalaze u stalnom traganju za novim bankarskim proizvodima i kanalima za njihovu distribuciju. Međutim, nove proizvode i kanale distribucije nemoguće je na kvalitetan način ponuditi klijentima bez odgovarajuće i pouzdane informatičke potpore. Na taj način najveći dio tereta inovacija u bankarstvu prebacuje se na sektore za informatičku potporu koji su već preopterećeni održavanjem i integracijom heterogenih podsustava. Primjena klasičnih...
Moment method analysis of spherical structures
Moment method analysis of spherical structures
Siniša Škokić
Curved structures in general present a big challenge to all the electromagnetic computational methods known today. However, for certain geometries, such as the spherical one, the difficulties can be overcome by applying Moment Method in spectral domain. In the spectral domain approach, a three-dimensional electromagnetic problem is transformed into an infinite series of much simpler one-dimensional problems by means of the vector-Legendre transformation. Each of these simpler problems is...
Morfološka normalizacija tekstova na hrvatskome jeziku za dubinsku analizu i pretraživanje informacija
Morfološka normalizacija tekstova na hrvatskome jeziku za dubinsku analizu i pretraživanje informacija
Jan Šnajder
Riječi u tekstu pojavljuju se u različitim morfološkim varijantama, odnosno flektivnim i derivacijskim oblicima. Morfološka varijacija ima negativan utjecaj na djelotvornost sustava za pretraživanje informacija i dubinsku analizu teksta, naročito kod morfološki složenih jezika kao što je hrvatski. Negativne utjecaje morfološke varijacije moguće je ukloniti primjenom postupaka morfološke normalizacije, odnosno sažimanjem različitih morfoloških varijanti jedne ili više riječi...
Motion planning of mobile robots in indoor environments
Motion planning of mobile robots in indoor environments
Kristijan Maček
Continuous monitoring of power quality on key points of utility systems has become an important strategic issue in deregulated power markets. System measurements are supplemented with on-site measurements that are conducted as a part of a troubleshooting procedures or surveys of large disturbance sources influence onto distribution systems. A concept of a power quality measurement device based on relevant standards, noted shortcomings of commercial devices and projected activities is given...
Moving objects detection and tracking by omnidirectional sensors of a mobile robot
Moving objects detection and tracking by omnidirectional sensors of a mobile robot
Ivan Marković
In mobile robotics measurements from various sensors often yield direction-only information. In this thesis we develop directional statistics based methods for moving object tracking by omnidirectional sensors of a mobile robot. Firstly, the speaker localization problem is solved by modeling the measurements of a microphone array with a convex combination of von Mises distributions and the tracking is solved by Bayesian estimation based solely on the von Mises mixture. Furthermore, in the...
Mrežno-zasnovano upravljanje pokretljivošću u IP mreži za korisničke uređaje bez ugrađenih funkcija pokretljivosti
Mrežno-zasnovano upravljanje pokretljivošću u IP mreži za korisničke uređaje bez ugrađenih funkcija pokretljivosti
Damjan Damić
U pokretnim mrežama nove generacije, koje su zasnovane na protokolu Internet Protocol (IP) koriste se razni pristupi problemu pokretljivosti uređaja i usluga. Najčešće primijenjena rješenja temeljena su na tehnologiji Mobile IP (MIP) s inačicama za protokole IPv4 i IPv6. Za razliku od ostalih postojećih pristupa, koncept mrežno-zasnovanog upravljanja pokretljivosti u IP mrežama ne zahtjeva ugradnju odgovarajuće podrške u krajnje pokretne čvorove. U ovome slučaju sve potrebne...
Multi-agent system for managing energy storage using electric vehicles
Multi-agent system for managing energy storage using electric vehicles
Jurica Babić
The thesis addresses the challenges related to management of energy storage with electric vehicles (EVs). Charging of EV batteries is a time-consuming process with the current state of technology and therefore, the process of charging is often coupled with the process of parking. This thesis builds on that assumption and proposes a solution how to design a parking lot with EV charging functionality so that the parking lot operator's profit is maximized while, simultaneously, the need of EV...
Multi-agent system for simulation of team behaviour in product development.
Multi-agent system for simulation of team behaviour in product development.
Marija Majda Perišić
Teams play a crucial role in many product development activities. However, teams – as complex socio-technical systems – are challenging to study in a real-world setting. Computational models and simulations offer easily controllable and cost-effective tools for supporting team studies, and prove especially valuable in studies on the sufficient conditions for the emergence of various team properties and behaviours. As a consequence, computational models offer a possible explanation of the...
