Metaheuristics for problems with limited budget of evaluations
Goran Molnar Metaheuristic techniques are an essential set of optimisation techniques with broad applications in numerous problems of great practical importance. Despite their success, using metaheuristics also has notable drawbacks: they are highly complex algorithms whose implementation process still lacks a formal development methodology. Their development is expensive as it requires highly trained experts, considerable time and computational resources. This work proposes a bottom-up development...
Method for analysis of sleep parameters based on ultra-wideband communication channel impulse response measurement
Ivana Čuljak The research aims to leverage radio frequency (RF) technology for contactless sleep parameters measurement and their analysis using machine learning algorithms and signal processing techniques. The developed platform for sleep monitoring with UWB (Sleep-UWB Platform) was validated through the overnight clinical study in a University Psychiatric Hospital "Vrapče". Analysis of the obtained data collected with the Sleep-UWB Platform was compared with the reference polysomnography measurements....
Method for classification of fetal phonocardiography signals using empirical mode decomposition and psychoacoustic parameters
Ivan Vican In comparison to other methods used for long-term monitoring of fetal health, fetal phonocardiography has the potential to be more convenient and affordable due to its non-invasive nature and the possibility of implementation on omnipresent devices such as smartphones. Fetal phonocardiography signals can oftentimes be misinterpreted due to various sources of sound in the womb. Therefore, the question remained whether a machine learning model trained for fetal heartbeat detection containing a...
Method for optimizing availability of optical telecommunication network in presence of correlated failures
Vedran Miletić The work describes the design goals and methodology in creating a new model of optical telecommunication network used for studying network resilience. The model is implemented by discrete-event network simulator ns-3. The advantages of using the existing simulator core infrastructure provided by ns-3 are analyzed and compared to building own simulator from scratch, or selecting a tool among other existing simulators such as ns-2, OMNeT++, and commercial simulators. The requirements for...
Methodology for block-wise behavioural modelling of integrated circuits for electromagnetic compatibility applications
Marko Magerl The echo state network (ESN) is presented as the building block for the behavioural modelling of integrated circuits. The ESN is able to model the nonlinear relationships of time-domain signals observed in integrated circuit simulations. An adaptive algorithm for sampling the nonlinear behaviour of integrated circuits in the time-domain is proposed, that enables building ESN models that cover a wide range of operation of the modelled circuit. A nonlinear impedance model based on the echo...
Methodology for electromagnetic compatibility based zone classification in nuclear power plant
Hrvoje Grganić Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is ability of equipment to perform its function in a given electromagnetic (EM) environment, without causing interference to other equipment. Nuclear power plants are specific in several ways: because of the importance to safety, broad EM spectrum and various interference nature, as well as numerous susceptible instrumentation and control (I&C) systems. In addition, in many nuclear power plants there is an ongoing process of the replacement of the...
Methods for calculations of high frequency transmitted over voltages through a power transformer
Bruno Jurišić Traditional transformer models available in EMTP-like software packages are not capable of representing transformer behaviour at high frequencies which occur during fast transient. Moreover, the existing high frequency transformer models are often too complex or require confidential information on transformer geometry. In this Doctoral Thesis two models of a transformer compatible with EMTP-like software packages capable of representing the electromagnetic interaction between a transformer...
Metoda binarnih dijagrama odlučivanja za vrednovanje stabla kvara u nuklearnoj elektrani.
Reni Banov U radu se istražuje način vrednovanja stabla kvara te stabla događaja u nuklearnoj energetici primjenom metode binarnih dijagrama odlučivanja. Polazište istraživanja predstavlja model stabla kvara za analizu neželjenih događaja tijekom eksploatacije nuklearne elektrane. Primjenom modela stabla kvara opisuje se korelacija između osnovnih događaja koja uzrokuje pojavu neželjenog događaja. Hijerarhijski uspostavljeni odnosi između osnovnih i izvedenih događaja u sustavu...
Metoda ekstrakcije audiosignala u dijagnostici rada regulacijske sklopke transformatora
Adnan Sečić U radu se razmatra problematika dijagnostike regulacijske sklopke transformatora na osnovu audio zapisa. Ovaj pristup dijagnostici donosi nekoliko izazova: automatska segmentacija audio zapisa, odvajanje korisnog zvuka od pozadinske buke i ekstrahiranje dijagnostički relevantnih informacija iz audio zapisa. Problematika automatske segmentacije rješava se primjenom konvolucijskih dubokih neuronskih mreža, čija je efikasnost ispitana na stvarnim audio zapisima zabilježenima tijekom rada...
Metoda grupiranja kupaca električne energije u karakteristične skupine potrošnje
Dino Mileta Za uspješno održavanje ravnoteže proizvodnje i potrošnje u elektroenergetskom sustavu potrebno je poznavati značajke potrošnje kupaca te dobro predviđati njihovu potrošnju. Poznavanje krivulja opterećenja kupaca u vremenu obračunskog razdoblja moguće je korištenjem naprednih brojila, s mogućnošću mjerenja i pohrane krivulje opterećenja, na obračunskim mjestima kupaca. Opremanje obračunskih mjernih mjesta svih kupaca takvim brojilima još je uvijek vrlo skup, složen i za...
Metoda ispitivanja specifikacije telekomunikacijskih protokola
Naim Maloku Generiranje testnih sekvenci na osnovi specifikacije protokola sa ciljem da se uzmu u obzir aspekti kontrole protoka i protoka podataka predstavlja vrlo zanimljiv problem. U ovom radu sam predložio rješenje ovog problema za protokole koji temelje na modelu proširenih konačnih automata (EFSM). Kao osnovu sam uzeo metodu Urala i Williamsa. Metoda otkriva međusobna povezivanja podataka i kontrolnih uvjeta unutar specifikacije koja je izražena u SDL notaciji. Prvo, generira se graf protoka...
Metoda izbora odvodnika prenapona za unapređenje koordinacije izolacije u visokonaponskim sustavima
Božidar Filipović-Grčić Prikladan odabir nazivnog napona, energetske klase te mjesta ugradnje odvodnika prenapona rezultira učinkovitim ograničenjem prenapona, odnosno unapređenjem koordinacije izolacije u elektroenergetskom sustavu. U doktorskom radu analizirane su mogućnosti unapređenja koordinacije izolacije u visokonaponskim sustavima novom metodom izbora odvodnika prenapona. Metoda je s obzirom na vrstu prenapona raščlanjena na tri međusobno povezana dijela. Prvi dio metode odnosi se na izbor odvodnika...