Gubici u praznom hodu kaveznih asinkronih strojeva
Željko Hederić Uz osnovne gubitke, kod kaveznih asinkronih strojeva, značajan dio ukupnih gubitaka predstavljaju dodatni gubici, koji u velikoj mjeri utječu na dimenzioniranje strojeva, tj. na ukupnu cijenu proizvodnje, kao i na potrošnju energije. Značajan dio radnog vremena asinkroni strojevi provedu u praznom hodu, a kako je to i prvi korak pri određivanju gubitaka, u radnji su analizirani kavezni asinkroni strojevi u praznom hodu.
U radnji su opisani uzroci nastajanja dodatnih gubitaka kaveznih...
Guidance and control of autonomous underwater agents with acoustically aided navigation
Đula Nađ The thesis research focuses on navigation, guidance, control infrastructures and methodologies required for cooperative control of underwater vehicles. A toolset is proposed for navigation, guidance, and control of marine vessels, adapting to different vessels and sensor suites, enabling integration of delayed and asynchronous measurements from local and remote sensor sources. The toolset is applied to remote sonar based localization of small unmanned underwater vehicles. This concept is...
Guidance of formations of autonomous underwater vehicles by virtual potential method
Matko Barišić This dissertation presents a method for the decentralized coordinated guidance of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) based on virtual potentials. The virtual potentials (VP) motion planning framework possesses the qualities of cross-layer uniting in a single formulation several imporant navigation goals: (i) stable and effective cruise towards a target, (ii ) avoidance of collisions, (iii ) formation-keeping. Two realistic models of vehicle dynamics were used – a cruise-type vehicle and...
Heterogeni računalni sustav s programirljivim poljem logičkih elemenata za učenje stabla odluke
Peter Škoda Heterogeni računalni sustav s programirljivim poljem logičkih elemenata za učenje stabla odluke U ovom radu prikazan je heterogeni računalni sustav i novi hibridni algoritam za učenje stabla odluke Dataflow decision tree construction – DF‑DTC. Algoritam DF‑DTC zasnovan je na algoritmu C4.5. Heterogeni sustav sadrži koprocesor izveden programirljivim poljem logičkih elemenata (FPGA, engl. field programmable gate array). Razrada arhitekture koprocesora i hibridnog algoritma...
Heuristic algorithms for virtual topology design and routing and wavelength assignment in WDM networks
Nina Skorin-Kapov This thesis investigates the problem of designing virtual topologies in wavelength routed WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplex) optical networks. In such networks, a virtual topology is created over the physical optical network by establishing all-optical connections, called lightpaths, between pairs of nodes. Transport via a lightpath is entirely in the optical domain. A virtual topology can also be composed of a set of light-trees which optically connect a subset of nodes in the network. In...
Heuristički algoritmi za planiranje prstenastih telekomunikacijskih mreža
Matija Mikac Prstenaste telekomunikacijske mreže posjeduju svojstvo da mogu jednostavnim mehanizmima osigurati zaštitu prometa u slučaju kvarova. To ih je svojstvo učinilo vrlo čestim izborom u temeljnim mrežama u kojima je sprečavanje gubitka informacija u slučaju kvara od osobite važnosti. U postupku planiranja prstenastih mreža postoji niz specifičnih problema koje je potrebno riješiti. Ovim magistarskim radom daje se detaljan pregled postupka planiranja prstenastih mreža, te se ukazuje...
Hibridni algoritam estimacije stanja elektroenergetskog sustava podržan sinkroniziranim mjerenjima fazora
Vedran Kirinčić Razvijeni višeslojni hibridni estimator stanja elektroenergetskog sustava koristi SCADA (engl. Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) mjerenja i sinkronizirana mjerenja fazora, dostupna iz PMU jedinica (engl. Phasor Measurement Unit). Model hibridnog estimatora stanja je prikazan u statičkoj i dinamičkoj formulaciji. Linearni estimator stanja u prvom koraku statičke formulacije koristi samo sinkronizirana mjerenja fazora. Estimator stanju u drugom sloju koristi iterativnu WLS (engl....
Hierarchical control of a direct current microgrid with energy storage systems in a distributed topology
Tomislav Dragičević A Microgrid (MG) is a standalone or grid-connected hybrid renewable system that uses distributed renewable and non-renewable energy sources and energy storage systems (ESSs) to supply power to local loads. The aim of this thesis is developement of its higher control level. It has to deal with RESs, which are controllable only within the limits imposed by natural phenomenon, while the battery recharging usually has to be done in a specific way. Moreover, the technical constraints such as...
Hierarchical model predictive control of temperature in building zones.
Anita Martinčević Buildings belong to the large energy consumers class and account for 40% of worldwide primary energy consumption. Application of advanced control and diagnosis algorithms in buildings has been intensively investigated with the aim to improve their energy efficiency and bring the buildings sector into the smart city arena. In the thesis, a general methodology for minimizing thermal energy consumption using current energy sources and minimal retrofitting through the use of advanced...
High-dimensional trajectory optimization for robot motion planning based on Gaussian processes
Luka Petrović Motion planning is one of the fundamental tasks in robotics with the goal of producing feasible robot trajectories in configuration space that reach a desired goal optimally according to a given criterion. The principal purpose of this thesis is the development of novel high-dimensional motion planning methods that enable safe and efficient robot operation in real-world environments. We rely on trajectory optimization in order to produce robot trajectories that are smooth, collision-free and...
Highly accurate markerless localization of mobile robots in indoor industrial environments
Goran Vasiljević The topic of this PhD thesis is the precise localization of mobile robots in industrial environments based on laser range scanning and without installed markers. During the research, new localization methods were developed to achieve the accuracy required within specific industrial applications that had previously been achieved only by markers. Two methods for localization using a laser range scanner were investigated, with the first method improving the accuracy of the existing AMCL-based...
Hijerarhijsko kodiranje video signala za prijenos u kanalima s gubicima
Tihomir Aladrović Predmet rada je hijerarhijsko kodiranje video signala prema MPEG-2 normi, primjenjeno kao metoda kontrole pogrešaka u prijenosu video signala kanalima s gubicima. Analizirani su uzroci visoke osjetljivosti na pogreške u prijenosu MPEG-2 kodiranog video slijeda, posljedice istih, metode kontrole pogrešaka, kao i metode za povećanje otpornosti na pogreške. Analizirana je otpornost na pogreške u prijenosu osnovnog i podatkovno podijeljenog MPEG-2 video slijeda. Za povećanje otpornosti na...