Brzi svjetlovodni prijenos gustim multipleksom valne podjele
Tomica Robić U ovom radu analizirana je problematika brzog svjetlovodnog prijenosa brzinama od 40 Gbit/s, tehnologijom gustog multipleksa valne podjele. Prikazani su načini kompenzacije svih neželjenih pojava, kao što su gušenje, kromatska i polarizacijska disperzija, nelinearni efekti miješanja četiri vala, vlastite fazne modulacije i križne fazne modulacije, te stimulirano Brillouinovo i stimulirano Ramanovo raspršenje. Razmatrali su se kompenzatori disperzije, te su analizirane osnovne...
Cache server for distributed applications adapted to multicore systems
Ivan Voras The Internet is the largest platform for application delivery today, but building scalable Web applications for the global audience is hard. The problem of satisfying the constraints of starting small to minimize initial investments but also adopting an architecture with the potential to allow future growth in the number of users and the complexity of the service does not have an immediately obvious or boiler-plate solution. This dissertation investigates the described problem and proposes...
Cardiac pacing based on intracardiac flow measurement
Božidar Ferek-Petrić If the pacing lead were comprising the blood flow measurement device mounted on its body, the flow velocity measurement would be possible in the vicinity of the lead by means of the special electronic circuits connected to said device. If the flow measurement is done within the tricuspid valve, the waveform reveals the early rapid filling wave and the late atrial filling wave. After detection of the A-wave the implantable electrotherapy device could pace the ventricle synchronously with the...
Carrier transport in low-dimensional nanoelectronic devices
Mirko Poljak This dissertation explores the consequences of low dimensionality and using new channel materials on the performance of future nanoelectronic devices. The focus is on carrier transport since its properties determine the performance gains offered by the proposed technologies. By using the semiclassical mobility modeling and atomistic quantum transport modeling based on the non-equilibrium Green's function (NEGF) formalism, the impact of the downscaling of device size on the transport...
Catheter Motion Tracking from Fluoroscopy Image Sequence
Tomislav Petković The topic of this master's thesis is real time guide wire tracking and 3D reconstruction. Guide wire and guiding catheter navigation is of utmost importance for successful endovascular interventions. Physicians usually use monoplane 2D medical imaging x-ray devices as navigational aids, however, such devices do not provide a real 3D position that is desireable for more accurate and shorter procedure. We use 2D monoplane x-ray imaging to track the guide wire. With the help of preoperatively...
Centralizirano upravljanje strukturalno promjenljivim sustavima s više vozila zasnovano na pridjeljivanju resursa
Tamara Petrović Područje istraživanja doktorske disertacije su centralizirane metode za koordinaciju u sustavima s više vozila kojima se sprečavaju zaglavljenja te kolizije između vozila i objekta u prostoru, uz ostvarivanje što veće protočnosti. Metode prikazane u disertaciji temeljene su na diskretizaciji okruženja na resurse, pri čemu kapacitet resursa označava broj vozila koja se istovremeno mogu na njemu nalaziti. Na ovaj način definiran je sustav za pridjeljivanje resursa te je...
Characterization of power inductor losses and electromagnetic emissions of fast switching synchronous converters.
Josip Bačmaga A presented methodology for frequency-domain characterization of two-port DC-biased components is based on combination of series and shunt method. The test structure based using a bias tee is designed to allow the S-parameter measurements of the inductive components under different DC current levels. A methodology for time-domain characterization of power inductor losses is designed to allow the precise estimation of the power losses caused by the triangular current waveform. The designed...
Chateter motion tracking from fluoroscopy image sequence
Tomislav Petković The topic of this master’s thesis is real time guide wire tracking and 3D reconstruction. Guide wire and guiding catheter navigation is of utmost importance for successful endovascular interventions. Physicians usually use monoplane 2D medical imaging x-ray devices as navigational aids, however, such devices do not provide a real 3D position that is desireable for more accurate and shorter procedure. We use 2D monoplane x-ray imaging to track the guide wire. With the help of preoperatively...
Circuit design of radio frequency identification system blocks in CMOS technology
Niko Bako Demand for RFID systems that are integrated with analogue-to-digital converters and wirelessly powered sensor nodes is constantly increasing. One of the main requirements for these systems is low-power consumption, which is typically in the range from hundred nW to few tens of µW. The standard circuits, such as e.g. bandgap references, can not be used and the designers must find new circuit architectures. The aim of this research is the design of several most used circuits, e.g. oscillator,...
Cjelobrojno programiranje pri nekim problemima raspoređivanja
Krešimir Križanović Problemi raspoređivanja javljaju se u organizaciji poslovanja u različitim poslovnim okruženjima. Jedna od metoda za rješavanje takvih problema jest cjelobrojno programiranje, tj. linearno programiranje kod kojeg se zahtijeva da su varijable cjelobrojne ili čak binarne. Web-servisi su opće prihvaćena tehnologija koja omogućava komunikaciju između različitih sustava. U organizaciji rada i nastave na Fakultetu elektrotehnike i računarstva mogu se uočiti razni problemi...