
Stochastic model predictive control of a set of electric vehicle charging stations for demand response service provision
Stochastic model predictive control of a set of electric vehicle charging stations for demand response service provision
Marko Kovačević
Charging electric vehicles (EVs), whose number is increasing, is a great challenge for the power grid due to the charging load variability. Coordinated charging and schedule optimisation are well-known conceptual solutions to that. Still, there are two challenges for the implementation. The first is to adequately predict availability and parameters of electric vehicles which is crucial for determining the charging schedule and the demand response potential. The second challenge is charging...
Stohastički proračun strujnih harmonika u razdjelnim mrežama
Stohastički proračun strujnih harmonika u razdjelnim mrežama
Lahorko Wagmann
Uslijed sve veće uporabe nelinearnih trošila u kućanstvima dolazi do povlsenja razine naponskih harmonika u razdjelnim mrežama niskog i srednjeg napona. Pojedinačno nelinearno trošilo, zbog svoje male snage, općenito ne utječe na promjenu valnog oblika napona. Zbirni utjecaj takvih trošila međutim, može biti vrlo značajan. Najčešća nelinearna trošila u niskonaponskim mrežama su: zabavna elektronika, uredska tehnika, rasvjeta te elektromotorni pogoni s elektroničkim...
Stohastičko višekriterijsko optimiranje industrijske mikromreže
Stohastičko višekriterijsko optimiranje industrijske mikromreže
Mario Perić
Doktorski rad pod naslovom Stohastičko višekriterijsko optimiranje industrijske mikromreže rezultat je dugogodišnjeg znanstvenog istraživanja na polju industrijskih kogeneracijskih postrojenja. Znanstveni doprinosi rada su: 1) Definicija funkcije istovremenog trajanja potrošnje električne energije i toplinske energije, 2) Generički model kogeneracijskog postrojenja korištenjem funkcije istovremenog trajanja potrošnje električne energije i toplinske energije i 3) Model za...
Strategija oporavka od zastoja robotizirane radne stanice zasnovana na matricama kvalitete tretmana i stope kvarova
Strategija oporavka od zastoja robotizirane radne stanice zasnovana na matricama kvalitete tretmana i stope kvarova
Marko Filipović
Tema istraživanja doktorskog rada je oporavak od zastoja autonomne robotske radne stanice. Primjeri takvog sustava su robotske radne stanice u industrijskom okruženju koje se koriste za obradu i kvalitativno ispitivanje proizvoda. Projektiranje robotskih radnih stanica izrazito je složen inženjerski zadatak koji zahtijeva primjenu raznih znanja iz više različitih znanstvenih disciplina poput tehnološkog procesa, konstrukcije elemenata sustava pa do upravljanja procesima. U tom...
Structural analysis of video by histogram-based description of local space-time appearance
Structural analysis of video by histogram-based description of local space-time appearance
Karla Brkić
The methods for representation, classification and reasoning about video data are actively researched in the computer vision community. Different research applications drive different views on what is essentially the same type of information. The goal of this thesis is to investigate the methods for video analysis that are generally applicable to any kind of video data, regardless of the phenomenon represented by the data. Special emphasis is placed on the analysis of videos in an online...
Structures for Guiding and Radiation of Electromagnetic Energy based on Resonant Metamaterials
Structures for Guiding and Radiation of Electromagnetic Energy based on Resonant Metamaterials
Davor Zaluški
The real parts of permittivity and permeability of most naturally occurring materials are larger than unity. That is the main reason why transversal dimension of a rectangular waveguide cannot be shorter than half of a wavelength, which prevents miniaturization of waveguide devices. However, recent theoretical and experimental results have shown that subwavelength propagation and therefore, the miniaturization, are possible when ordinary waveguides are filled with some artificial structures....
Subjektivne metode vrednovanja ugođenosti digitalnih slušnih pomagala
Subjektivne metode vrednovanja ugođenosti digitalnih slušnih pomagala
Davor Šušković
Ubrzani razvoj tehnologije digitalnih slušnih pomagala omogućuje precizno ugađanje i prilagodbu različitim slušnim situacijama. Trenutno dostupna metoda tonske audiometrije nije prilagođena mogućnostima digitalnih slušnih pomagala koje je moguće puno preciznije ugoditi nego što to omogućuju standardni klinički audiometri. Razvijen je audiometar s mogućnošću tonske audiometrije veće razlučivosti. Odabrano je ukupno 27 frekvencija na kojima se ispituje prag sluha. Uz...
Subjektivno vrednovanje kvalitete prikaza 3D videosekvenci utemeljeno na masovnom ispitivanju putem Interneta
Subjektivno vrednovanje kvalitete prikaza 3D videosekvenci utemeljeno na masovnom ispitivanju putem Interneta
Krešimir Šakić
Subjektivna vrednovanja kvalitete prikaza videosekvenci često se koriste jer su najprecizniji način za određivanje iskustva korisnika. Kod svih subjektivnih vrednovanja potrebno je postići i održavati visoku motivaciju sudionika ispitivanja. Tradicionalna subjektivna vrednovanja provode se u laboratorijima te imaju visoke troškove. Sve ove teškoće u provođenju subjektivnih ispitivanja razlog su zašto se tijekom procesa dizajniranja i optimizacija sustava najčešće koriste...
Superluminal propagation in artificial electromagnetic structures.
Superluminal propagation in artificial electromagnetic structures.
Ivan Bonić
This thesis is devoted to electromagnetic metamaterials (MTM), which are artificial structures with special electromagnetic properties that are not normally found in naturally occurring materials. Besides their unusual physical properties, some MTM-based electromagnetic structures can support superluminal propagation (propagation with velocities faster than the speed of light in vacuum c). Main goal is engineering of active superluminal structures and characterization of their...
Supervision, control and maintenance of automated power grid substations by utilizing augmented and mixed reality technologies
Supervision, control and maintenance of automated power grid substations by utilizing augmented and mixed reality technologies
Miro Antonijević
Ever since electrical substations have existed, they have been monitored and controlled by certain automation systems. Today, this task is usually carried out by Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems. SCADA systems today usually implement standardized communication protocols, thus using the standardization influence in the industry to connect to many different devices, enhancing their functionality. The most prominent of the standards is the IEC 61850 international...
Susceptibility of integrated circuits to conducted electromagnetic interference
Susceptibility of integrated circuits to conducted electromagnetic interference
Ognjen Jović
This thesis includes measurements and simulations to investigate the susceptibility of integrated circuits to conducted electromagnetic interference. Measurements are carried out according to direct power injection method (DPI). The investigation is focused on several basic circuits which are common in automotive industry: low and high voltage PMOS transistors, AB buffer, bandgap circuit and voltage regulator. Furthermore, this thesis explains analytically and experimentally the underlining...
Sustainability of embedded control systems for rail vehicles and power generation units
Sustainability of embedded control systems for rail vehicles and power generation units
Siniša Marijan
The objective of this thesis is technological sustainment of embedded control systems for rail vehicles and power generation units. They belong to the group of real-time embedded systems and often involve some safety-critical features and non-functional requirements. Such systems are produced in low-volumes and their life cycle is expected to be up to several decades. Therefore, the risk of the obsolescence of its constituent HW and SW components is very high and this threatens the expected...
