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Luka Pavelić (list of objects)
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Authoring papers
Elektronički dozimetrijski detektorski sustav za vremenski razlučiva mjerenja impulsnih polja ionizirajućega zračenja
Pavelić, Luka
Doctoral thesis
Defence date: 2021.
Rad je objavljen i na sljedećim repozitorijima:
Investigation of GaGG:Ce with TOFPET2 ASIC Readout for Applications in Gamma Imaging Systems
Makek, Mihael; Bosnar, Damir; Kožuljević, Ana Marija; Pavelić, Luka
Paper published in journal / Scientific paper - Original scientific paper
Publication: 25.11.2020.
Rad je objavljen i na sljedećim repozitorijima:
Scintillator Pixel Detectors for Measurement of Compton Scattering
Makek, Mihael; Bosnar, Damir; Pavelić, Luka
Paper published in journal / Scientific paper - Original scientific paper
Publication: 2019.
Rad je objavljen i na sljedećim repozitorijima:
Performance of scintillation pixel detectors with MPPC read-out and digital signal processing
Makek, Mihael; Bosnar, Damir; Gačić, V.; Pavelić, Luka; Šenjug, Pavla; Žugec, Petar
Paper published in journal / Scientific paper - Preliminary note / Short communication
Publication: 2017.
Rad je objavljen i na sljedećim repozitorijima:
Mjerenje energije gama zraka kod raspada orto-pozitronija
Pavelić, Luka
Master's thesis
Defence date: 30.09.2014.
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