Title Pretraživanje prostora estetskih procjena sklada veza i boja tkanina
Title (english) Searching aesthetic evaluation space of matching fabric weaves and colours
Author Tomislav Rolich
Mentor Darko Grundler (mentor)
Committee member Leo Budin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Darko Grundler (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Damir Kalpić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Krste Dimitrovski (član povjerenstva) strani drzavljanin: Nije dostupno
Committee member Meri Tadinac (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (Department of Electronics, Microelectronics, Computer and Intelligent Systems) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2005-04-06, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Computing
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 004 - Computer science and technology. Computing. Data processing 677 - Textile industry
Abstract U radu je ispitana mogućnost stvaranja sklada veza i boja tkanine na računalu pomoću interaktivnog evolucijskog algoritma. Polazna je pretpostavka da je uporabom prikladne verzije evolucijskog algoritma moguće poboljšati i djelomično automatizirati kreativni postupak stvaranja uzorka tkanine (sklada veza i boja tkanine). Za razliku od mogućeg pristupa rješavanju ovog zadatka, primjenom znanja ljudskih eksperata (ekspertnim sustavom) ovdje opisani sustav rješava zadatak uz minimalnu uporabu pravila i baze znanja te tako proširuje područje pretraživanja uzoraka tkanine. Pri praktičnoj izvedbi sustava nastojalo se, pomoću ispitanika, ocijeniti estetska privlačnost uzoraka te tako omogućiti uporabu sustava i osobama koje nisu stručne u području tekstilne tehnologije. Ispitanici procjenjuju uzorke (sklad veza i boja tkanine), koji su stvoreni na računalu i prikazani na zaslonu ekrana, ocjenama. Ocjene uzorka koje daju ispitanici su subjektivne procjene, tako da je zbog toga izabran interaktivni evolucijski algoritam za stvaranje sklada veza i boja tkanine. Na temelju ocjena uzorka, koje ujedno predstavljaju i primjerenost, provodi se postupak izbora jedinki koje se koriste u stvaranju novih jedinki pomoću rekombinacije. Pretpostavlja se da će iz generacije u generaciju interaktivnog evolucijskog algoritma aritmetička sredina primjerenosti i najbolja primjerenost uzoraka stvorenih pomoću algoritma biti veća. Pomoću programskog alata MATLAB izrađen je računalni program za stvaranje sklada veza i boja tkanine. U radu je prikazana struktura i parametri algoritma za stvaranje sklada veza i boja tkanine. Objašnjen je način prikaza populacije, jedinke, veza, jedinice veza, redoslijeda boja osnove i potke u algoritmu, postupak izbora u algoritmu, način promjene redoslijeda boja osnove i potke te način promjene jedinice veza. Parametri interaktivnog evolucijskog algoritma podešeni su na temelju iskustva i odgovora ispitanika. Prikazan je način ispitivanja algoritma te analiza rezultata ispitanika koji su dobiveni na temelju korištenja programa. Na temelju ispitivanja, analize rezultata i odgovora izrađene su nove verzije programa za stvaranje sklada veza i boja tkanine temeljenih na interaktivnom evolucijskom algoritmu. One su ispitivane i međusobno uspoređivane kako bi se utvrdila mogućnost korištenja interaktivnog evolucijskog algoritma za stvaranje sklada veza i boja tkanine. Istraživanje je pokazalo primjerenost korištenja interaktivnog evolucijskog algoritma, stoga se pristupilo utvrđivanju najprikladnije verzije algoritma. Ispitano je 6 verzija algoritma, analizirani su i prikazani rezultati. Napravljena je njihova međusobna usporedba kao i usporedba s testnim generatorom uzoraka (slučajno generirani uzorci). Na temelju ispitivanja i analize rezultata može se zaključiti da je potvrđena polazna pretpostavka o uspješnoj primjenjivosti interaktivnog evolucijskog algoritma za stvaranje sklada veza i boja tkanine. Na kraju rada opisana je daljnja mogućnost unaprjeđenja, poboljšanja i razvoja opisanih algoritama. U osnovnom obliku ispitane su neke mogućnosti poboljšanja algoritma opisanih u zaključku. Prikazani su i analizirani rezultati tih ispitivanja.
Abstract (english) This paper examines the possibility of creating harmony between the weave and colours of the fabric on the computer using the interactive evolutionary algorithm. The starting assumption is that it is possible through the use of the evolutionary algorithm to improve and partially automatize the creative procedure of the creation of fabric pattern (harmony between the weave and colours of the fabric). In the contrast to the possible approach to solving this task, through the application of the knowledge of human experts (expert system) the system described here solves the problem with the minimal use of rules and knowledge base and so it expands the area of fabric pattern searching. With the practical realization of the system the goal was, with the help of examinees, to evaluate the aesthetic appeal of the patterns and so making it possible for the persons who are not experts in the area of textile technology to use the system. The examinees evaluate the patterns (harmony between the weave and colours of the fabric), which are created in the computer and shown on the screen, using grades. Pattern grades provided by the users are subjective assessments; therefore an interactive evolutionary algorithm was selected to harmonize the weave and the colour of the fabric. Based on the pattern grades, which at the same time represent the fitness, a procedure of selection of the individuals which are used to create new individuals through recombination is conducted. It is assumed that the average value of the fitness and the best fitness of the patterns created through the algorithm will increase from generation to generation of the interactive evolutionary algorithm. Using the MATLAB program tool a computer program for creating the harmony of weave and the colour of the fabric has been created. The paper shows the structure and the parameters of the algorithm for harmonizing between the weave and the colours of the fabric. Explanations have been given concerning the way of displaying the population, individual, weave, weave unit, the sequence of warp and weft colours in the algorithm, the selection procedure of the algorithm, manner of changing the sequence of warp and weft colours and the manner of changing the weave unit. The parameters of the interactive evolutionary algorithm have been adjusted according to experience and answers acquired by the examinees. The manner of the testing of the algorithm and the analysis of the results provided by the examinees based on the use of the program are shown. Based on the examination, result analysis and answers, new versions of the program have been created to harmonize between the weave and colours of the fabric based on the interactive evolutionary algorithm. These were tested and intercompared in order to establish the possibility of the use of interactive evolutionary algorithm to harmonize between the weave and colours of the fabric. The research has shown the
appropriateness of the use of the interactive evolutionary algorithm; therefore next step was establishing the most appropriate version of the algorithm. Six versions of the algorithm have been tested, with results analyzed and shown. Their intercomparison and the comparison with the test pattern generator (randomly generated patterns) have been conducted. Based on the research and result analysis it may be concluded that the starting assumption on the successful applicability of the interactive evolutionary algorithm for creating the harmony between the weave and colours of the fabric has been confirmed. At the end of the paper there is an elaboration on the possibility of further advancements, improvements and developments of described algorithms. In the basic form certain possibilities for improving the algorithms described in the conclusion have been tested. Results of these tests have been shown and analyzed.
Evolucijski algoritam
interaktivni evolucijski algoritam
redoslijed boja osnove i potke
sklad veza i boja tkanine
subjektivne procjene
Keywords (english)
Evolutionary algorithm
harmony between the weave and colours of the fabric
interactive evolutionary algorithm
sequence of warp and weft colours
subjective assessments
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:168:058842
Study programme Title: Doctoral study programme "Electrical Engineering and Computing" Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, po-dručje tehničkih znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti, po-dručje tehničkih znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2019-07-02 07:18:10