Abstract | Signalizacija u 5G mrežama odnosi se na razmjenu informacija i komunikaciju između
različitih entiteta u mreži radi upravljanja uslugama, upravljanja vezama i ostvarivanja
komunikacije između korisnika i mreže. U kontekstu 5G mreže, signalizacija omogućuje
entitetima da međusobno komuniciraju putem različitih poruka i protokola.
Signalizacijska arhitektura 5G mreže imala je ključnu ulogu u omogućavanju visokih brzina,
većeg kapaciteta, pouzdanosti i niske latencije koje su karakteristične za 5G mrežu. NR
protokolni stog se nalazi unutar 5G mreže i sastoji se od različitih slojeva koji rade zajedno
kako bi se omogućio prijenos podataka i ostvarila komunikacija u mreži. Kroz protokole kao
što su Diameter i SIP-a, omogućena je registraciju uređaja, autentifikaciju korisnika i
upravljanje mrežnim resursima.
U odnosu na prethodne generacije, 5G mreža pružila je brojna poboljšanja u brzini, kapacitetu
i pouzdanosti, ali istovremeno donijela i nove izazove po pitanju složenosti, sigurnosti,
energetske potrošnje i interoperabilnosti. |
Abstract (english) | Signaling in 5G networks refers to the exchange of information and communication between
different entities in the network to manage services, handle connections, and enable
communication between users and the network. In the context of 5G networks, signaling
enables entities to communicate with each other through various messages and protocols.
The signaling architecture of the 5G network has played a crucial role in enabling the high
speeds, greater capacity, reliability, and low latency that are characteristic of 5G networks. The
NR protocol stack is located within the 5G network and consists of different layers that work
together to enable data transmission and communication in the network. Through protocols
such as Diameter and SIP (Session Initiation Protocol), device registration, user authentication,
and network resource management have been facilitated.
Compared to previous generations, 5G networks have provided numerous improvements in
terms of speed, capacity, and reliability. However, they have also introduced new challenges
related to complexity, security, energy consumption, and interoperability.
As 5G continues to evolve and mature, further advancements in signaling technology will be
necessary to address these challenges and ensure the seamless operation of the network. Efforts
in standardization, research, and development will be crucial in overcoming these obstacles and
maximizing the potential of 5G networks to deliver enhanced connectivity and transformative
services. |