Samopodesivi stabilizator elektroenergetskog sustava zasnovan na neizrazitom modelu
Zlatka Tečec Ribarić Istraživanja prikazana u ovome radu motivirana su problemima vezanim uz klasiène strukture stabilizatora elektroenergetskog sustava za koje, iako se koriste već više od 50 godina, ne postoji jednostavna procedura optimalnog podešavanja parametara veæ je kod puštanja u pogon kljuèno ekspertno znanje i iskustvo. Cilj istraživanja bio je razviti stabilizator koji će osigurati optimalno prigušenje u širokom opsegu radnih uvjeta, čija će struktura biti stabilna i pogodna za...
Scenariji razvoja agregacijskog dijela višeuslužne telekomunikacijske mreže
Krešimir Magdić U ovom radu detaljno je obrađena tematika agregacijske mreže koja je sastavni dio višeuslužne mreže nove generacije. Istraženi su standardi i tehnologije koje mogu biti primijenjene u agregacijskim mrežama te su prema njima predloženi mogući scenariji obnove i nadogradnje agregacijske mreže. Definiran je i model koji omogućava sustavnu analizu predloženih scenarija uzimajući pritom u obzir sve tehnološke parametre, procjenu iskorištenja, mogućnost odabira troškovno...
Scene illumination color estimation methods based on convolutional neural networks
Karlo Koščević Different objects in the same scene emit the incident light differently and are perceived differently colored. The human visual system is very robust to changes in the scene and adapts rapidly, and can perceive objects' colors invariant of the light source. Image sensors in digital cameras do not have this ability, and thus a pre-processing step is dedicated to achieving invariance of colors to the scene illumination. That step is referred to as computational color constancy and consists of...
Secure and reliable object tracking in wireless sensor networks
Alma Oračević Researchers consider target/moving object tracking as one of the most important applications of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) [6-14] with regard to their use to track objects in battlefields, wildlife or habitat monitoring, and monitoring of hazardous chemicals while they are in transit. Traditional object tracking algorithms are based on heavy and complex signal processing algorithms and they are generally centralized. Hence, traditional object tracking algorithms cannot be applied to...
Segmentacija mamograma i detekcija mikrokalcifikacija adaptivnim poboljšanjem kontrasta
Mario Muštra Mamografija je neinvazivna metoda pregleda dojki koja koristi rendgensko zračenje u svrhu stvaranja slike tkiva dojke. Računalno potpomognuta dijagnostika dobiva sve veći značaj u medicini razvojem računalne tehnologije. Mogućnost automatske detekcije objekata u digitalnoj slici i donošenja automatske dijagnoze na osnovi izdvojenih značajki, važan su alat koji se sve više koristi u modernoj dijagnostici. U ovom radu predložena je metoda za segmentaciju tkiva dojke od pozadine i...
Segmentacija slijeda slika metodama oduzimanja pozadine
Josip Krapac Jedan od važnih zadataka niže razine u sustavima računalnog vida je segmentacija scene. Segmentacija temeljena na kretanju odvaja pokretne objekte od statičnih dijelova scene. U radu je dan pregled metoda koje segmentiraju scenu na temelju pokreta, s posebnim naglaskom na metode oduzimanja pozadine. Implementirane metode oduzimanja pozadine testirane su na umjetno generiranim i stvarnim slijedovima slika. Rezultati su usporedeni na temelju mjere kvalitete klasifikacije. Istražena je...
Segmentation of retinal structures in optical coherent tomography images
Martina Melinščak Optical coherence tomography (OCT) images of the retina provide a structural representation and give an insight into the pathological changes present in age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Due to the three-dimensionality and complexity of the images, manual analysis of pathological features is difficult, time-consuming, and prone to subjectivity. Computer analysis of 3D OCT images is necessary to enable automated quantitative measuring of the features, objectively and repeatedly. As...
Selektivnost zaštita u sustavima istosmjernih razvoda
Srđan Skok Sustav istosmjernog razvoda u elektroenergetskim postrojenjima je od velike važnosti jer omogućava pouzdano vođenje elektrane i transformatorske stanice kako u normalnom pogonu, te također u slučaju izvanrednog pogonskog stanja, odnosno kvara u postrojenju. Sustav istosmjernog razvoda sastoji se od baterije, ispravljača i instalacija sa pripadnim trošilima. Neki od vitalnih dijelova elektroenergetskih postrojenja kao što su prekidači, zaštita i upravljački uređaji moraju imati...
Semantic agents for location-aware service provisioning in mobile network
Alisa Devlić The master thesis investigates the issues of service provisioning in mobile network. Service provisioning is dened as the setting in place and conguring of the hardware and software required for activating a telecommunications service for a customer.Thethesisproposesandimplementsasolutionforaexibleandecient serviceprovisioningusingsemanticagentsinthemobilenetwork.Semanticagents areintelligentsoftwareagentsthatcollectuserpreferencesfortherequiredservice, and discover the available advertised...
Server for multiplayer games in mobile network
Alan Graf The master thesis investigates issues related to finding players for a multiplayer gaming session in a mobile network. Thesis proposes and implements the introduction of a player skill level parameter Psk in the opponent search with the goal to find challenging opponents for a multiplayer gaming session. In multiplayer games finding challenging opponents is equally important for the player's overall enjoyment of the game as the connection quality. Rating players according to their in-game...
Service architecture for content dissemination to mobile users
Ivana Podnar Žarko The dissertation presents an architecture and an implementation of efficient and personalized content dissemination service targeting mobile users. The service enables information publishers to publish the content for numerous users based on the publish/subscribe interaction style. Service personalization is achieved through subscriptions: Users define subscriptions to express their interest in receiving certain content types. The published content contains non-realtime data of variable...
Set-theoretic control of a wind turbine
Nikola Hure This thesis discusses the set-theoretic methods for constrained control of high-order systems. Specifically, focus of the thesis is given on the operating envelope protection and constrained time-optimal control design in the algebra of polyhedral sets, whereas the utility-scale wind turbine is used to validate the proposed methods. Generally, set-theoretic control design for high-order systems suffers from the computational intractability which is related to the complexity of the specific...