
Provjera kvalitete rizika kod izgradnje informacijskih sustava
Provjera kvalitete rizika kod izgradnje informacijskih sustava
Antoine Trad
Increasingly competitive business environments are the main driving forces for investment in the development of flexible and efficient information systems (IS). The success of IS development, implementation and maintenance influences the way business processes are managed and carried out, which consequently forces IS to evolve. Many factors affect the IS evolution strategy business process and IS re-engineering, based on auditing of an organisation’s information technology (IT)...
Proširenje područja rada sinkronog generatora adaptivnim upravljanjem upotrebom neuronskih mreža
Proširenje područja rada sinkronog generatora adaptivnim upravljanjem upotrebom neuronskih mreža
Mato Mišković
Sinkroni generator u radu na EES predstavlja izrazito nelinearni sustav. Konvencinalni linearni regulator sustava uzbude može optimalno raditi samo u okolini radne točke i pri malim poremećajima u EES-u. Optimalni pogon u širokom radnom području može se postići automatskim regulatorom koji je zasnovan na neuronskim mrežama. Primjenom postupka optimiranja u teoriji automatske regulacije poznatog kao Adaptive Critic Design (ACD), koji se zasniva na dinamičkom programiranju i...
Proširenje područja rada sustava nadopune satelitske navigacije lokalno prilagođenim modelom ionosfere
Proširenje područja rada sustava nadopune satelitske navigacije lokalno prilagođenim modelom ionosfere
Josip Vuković
Globalni sustavi za satelitsku navigaciju GNSS (eng. Global Navigation Satellite System) temelj su mnogih tehničkih sustava današnjice. Izvor najveće pogreške u GNSS-u je ionosfera, u kojoj zbog refrakcije dolazi do smanjenja brzine širenja elektromagnetskih valova između satelita i prijamnika. Europskim sustavom nadopune EGNOS (eng. European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service) nadzire se cjelovitost rada globalnog sustava za pozicioniranje GPS (eng. Global Positioning System)...
Proširenje područja stabilnog rada sinkronog generatora regulacijom uzbude
Proširenje područja stabilnog rada sinkronog generatora regulacijom uzbude
Tomislav Idžotić
Sinkroni generator se u kapacitivnom području rada približava granici stabilnosti i postaje osjetljiv na poremećaje u elektroenergetskom sustavu. Kut opterećenja pokazuje koliko je generator blizu granici stabilnosti, a povećavanjem struje uzbude generatora moguće je smanjiti kut opterećenja i povećati stabilnost generatora. U klasični algoritam regulacije uzbude generatora, u kojem je regulator napona nadređen regulatoru struje uzbude, uveden je dodatni regulator kuta...
Quality of Experience estimation of encrypted video streaming by using machine learning methods
Quality of Experience estimation of encrypted video streaming by using machine learning methods
Irena Oršolić
With the amount of global network traffic steadily increasing, mainly due to video streaming services, network operators are faced with the challenge of efficiently managing their resources while meeting customer demands and expectations. A prerequisite for such Quality-of-Experience–driven (QoE) network traffic management is the monitoring and inference of application-level performance in terms of video Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that directly influence end-user QoE. Given the...
Quality of experience driven video encoding adaptation for multiparty audiovisual telemeetings on mobile devices
Quality of experience driven video encoding adaptation for multiparty audiovisual telemeetings on mobile devices
Dunja Vučić
Video conferencing is becoming increasingly popular in both leisure and business contexts, offering opportunities to communicate with family, friends, and colleagues, increase productivity, reduce costs, and share information in real time. High resolution displays, front and rear cameras, high speed mobile networks and modern technologies, such as WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication), are contributing to making video conferencing free and available "anywhere at any time''. However, given the...
Quality of experience driven video encoding adaptation strategies for cloud gaming under network constraints
Quality of experience driven video encoding adaptation strategies for cloud gaming under network constraints
Ivan Slivar
Cloud gaming has been recognized as a promising shift in the online game industry, with the aim of implementing the ``on demand`` service concept that has achieved market success in other areas of digital entertainment such as movies and TV shows. The concepts of cloud computing are leveraged to render the game scene as a video stream which is then delivered to players in real-time. The main advantage of this approach is the capability of delivering high-quality graphics games to any type of...
Quantitative and qualitative assessment of human movement during exercising using inertial and magnetic sensors
Quantitative and qualitative assessment of human movement during exercising using inertial and magnetic sensors
Dominik Džaja
Wearable devices equipped with inertial and magnetic sensors are increasingly being employed for the monitoring and assessment of physical activity. The affordability, accuracy, and portability of such devices enable real-time monitoring of human movement during exercise, without requiring direct supervision by a trained professional. Furthermore, the data collected by these devices can be analyzed over time, providing valuable insights into an individual's patterns of physical activity and...
Radiation tolerant CMOS photodetectors for low total ionizing dose applications
Radiation tolerant CMOS photodetectors for low total ionizing dose applications
Filip Šegmanović
Modern semiconductor optical sensors are used in a large variety of applications, ranging from security and automotive applications to medical, scientific and space applications that require the sensors to be radiation-hard. In medical applications, such as CT scanners, the picture is created using X-rays. Unlike the visible light, X-rays generate electron-hole pairs along the whole trajectory of the particle. In most cases, the sensor is implemented as a reverse biased p-n junction with the...
Radiofrekvencijska replika plazmoničke nano-kugle
Radiofrekvencijska replika plazmoničke nano-kugle
Zoran Ereš
U ovom radu analizirana je radiofrekvencijska struktura (RF replika) koja u potpunosti oponaša elektromagnetska svojstva plazmoničke nano-kugle u optičkom području frekvencija. Analizirane strukture su Stuartov i Bestov sferni rezonator koje su se do sada upotrebljavale samo u antenskoj tehnologiji. Elektromagnetska svojstva ovih RF replika istražena su teorijski, numeričkom punovalnom simulacijom pomoću metode konačnih razlika u vremenskoj domeni i mjerenjima na prototipovima u...
Radiofrequency power amplifiers in horizontal current bipolar transistor technology
Radiofrequency power amplifiers in horizontal current bipolar transistor technology
Željko Osrečki
The large-signal performance of the horizontal current bipolar transistor (HCBT) is investigated by extensive measurements and simulations, and its suitability for the radiofrequency power amplifier design is demonstrated by designing advanced high-efficiency and wideband power amplifiers. An accurate and calibrated scalar load-pull setup is firstly employed for the determination of the optimal input and output matching impedances for different HCBT structures to achieve the maximum output...
Radiološke implikacije povećanja kapaciteta bazena za istrošeno gorivo
Radiološke implikacije povećanja kapaciteta bazena za istrošeno gorivo
Josip Lebegner
Nedovoljni kapaciteti postojećih bazena za istrošeno gorivo kod jednog dijela nuklearnih elektrana inicirali su nalaženje novih tehnologija u cilju proširenja postojećih bazena. U stručnoj literaturi spominju se tri načina povećanja kapaciteta bazena za istrošeno gorivo: gušći smještaj gorivnih elemenata, konsolidacija i dvorazinsko punjenje bazena. Svaki od spomenutih postupaka ima određeni utjecaj na porast brzine doze u blizini bazena za istrošeno gorivo. Na konkretnom...
