Multi-agent system for simulation of team behaviour in product development.
Marija Majda Perišić Teams play a crucial role in many product development activities. However, teams – as complex socio-technical systems – are challenging to study in a real-world setting. Computational models and simulations offer easily controllable and cost-effective tools for supporting team studies, and prove especially valuable in studies on the sufficient conditions for the emergence of various team properties and behaviours. As a consequence, computational models offer a possible explanation of the...
Multichannel electroencephalogram frequency domain feature extraction method for brain activity state transition detection
Igor Stančin Focusing on the improvements in detecting brain state transitions, this thesis specifically investigates the transition from a waking state to a drowsy state during driving. Driver drowsiness is a significant road safety concern that contributes to numerous accidents and fatalities worldwide. The conducted research focuses on the detection and prediction of driver drowsiness using multichannel electroencephalography (EEG) signals. The published review paper [Pub1] systematically examines EEG...
Multidimensional modelling of quality of experience for mobile web browsing
Sabina Baraković The increasing use of mobile devices for Web browsing has driven a rising interest among various actors involved in the service provisioning chain in understanding the factors influencing the quality of the end user experience. Research activities stemming from both the fields of human-computer interaction (focusing on user experience, UX) and networking and telecommunications (focusing on Quality of Experience, QoE) have addressed different factors, both aiming for a similar goal -...
Multilevel optimization models for energy storage planning and operation
Kristina Pandžić Modern power systems are making a significant progress toward decarbonisation by increasing the shares of renewable energy sources in the system. These new technical and economic conditions make large-scale energy storage an attractive option to solve challenges induced by increased variability of the system. The first part of the thesis covers operational models that serve to maximize the profit for the storage owner by participating in different markets. The first model presents an energy...
Multimedia Session Reconfiguration for Application-level QoS Maintenance and Adaptation
Ognjen Dobrijević One of the key requirements for evolution of communication networks is the provision of Quality of Service (QoS) support with respect to mobility. Addressing this requirement imposes numerous challenges on offering such a support for complex multimedia services. The approach proposed in this thesis complements the recent research efforts and introduces a model of multimedia session reconfiguration at the application level that dynamically maintains and adapts QoS for multimedia services. The...
Multimedijske komunikacije namijenjene slijepim osobama
Davor Virkes Ovim radom obuhvaeno je podruje primjene multimedijskih rješenja od strane slijepih osoba, uz poseban osvrt na poboljšanje kvalitete života. Postojee tehnologije razvijaju se sukladno tržištu i veinom su samo površno prilagoene slijepima. Ovo podjednako vrijedi za korištenje unaprijed pripremljenih sadržaja, onih koje korisnik stvara sam, ili u kojima prisustvuje. U ovome radu prikazani su rezultati istraživanja pristupanosti mrežnih stranica javnih knjižnica u Hrvatskoj. Pomone...
Multimedijske usluge u mrežama za posebne namjene
Mario Gerenčir Rad je posvećen multimedijalnim uslugama u mrežama za posebne namjene. To su mreže koje su na poseban način određene svojim topološkim svojstvima i uslugama koje u njima moraju biti podržane. Posebna je pažnja posvećena arhitekturi mreže, svojstvima usluga i potrebnoj tehnologiji. Mreža za posebne namjene se može definirati kao zatvorena privatna mreža sa podrškom za prijenos svih vrsta podataka čiji je dizajn uvjetovan specifičnim zahtjevima koji proizlaze iz posebne...
Multimedijski prijenos u pokretnim komunikacijama
Ružica Gajić Razvoj sustava pokretnih komunikacija se ubrzano kreće prema trećoj generaciji, tj. prema UMTS sustavima. Brzina prijenosa informacija je već u sustavima druge generacije povećana, a bitno povećanje se očekuje nakon implementacije UMTS sustava. Istodobno, u razvoju usluga se pojavljuju multimedijske usluge, kao npr. prijenos slika i video odsječaka u raznim aplikacijama. Obrada i prijenos slika je definirana standardima JPEG (za prijenos mirne kromatske slike), JPEG 2000 (nadopuna...
Multiperiodski optimalni tokovi snaga
Nedžmija Demirović U disertaciji je dat prijedlog metodologija za izračunavanje sekvenci rješenja problema optimalnih tokova snaga pri različitim uvjetima opteretivosti sustava. Cilj je bio da se dobije skup rješenja optimalnih radnih točaka u blizini područja definiranog s jednadžbama tokova snaga i skupa radnih ograničenja sustava. Ovako postavljen problem se naziva multiperiodski optimalni tokovi snaga. U svrhu dobijanja rješenja predložene su metode Bendersove dekompozicije, metoda kontinuiranih...
Multiple moving objects tracking based on random finite sets and Lie groups
Josip Ćesić Autonomous navigation of an agent strongly relies on the capability of tracking multiple moving objects. The first part of the thesis presents a method for multiple moving objects tracking on the unit sphere based on the von Mises distribution, and probability hypothesis density filter based on random finite sets. The state of objects in the agent's surrounding are typically determined with their position and orientation which evolve on a non-Euclidean geometry. The thesis further proposes...
Multiplierless decimation filters based on amplitude sharpening and compensation
Aljoša Dudarin The simplest multiplierless decimation filter is the cascaded-integrator-comb (CIC) filter. However, CIC filters introduce a passband droop, which is intolerable in many applications. The droop can be reduced by connecting a linear-phase finite-impulse-response filter called compensator in cascade with CIC filter. Since CIC filters are multiplierless, CIC compensators with multiplierless structures are preferable. In the thesis, two methods for the design of multiplierless CIC compensators...
Na kvarove tolerantan sustav turbinske regulacije vodne turbine
Krunoslav Horvat Disertacija je podijeljena u pet osnovnih poglavlja. U uvodnom poglavlju navedeni su razlozi za uvodjenjem sustava tolerantnih na kvar u sustave turbinske regulacije hidroagregata, dane su osnovne definicije sustava otpornih na kvar, povijest razvoja i ekonomska analiza uvodjenja sustava tolerantnih na kvar. Drugo poglavlje predstavlja opcenit opis teorije sustava tolerantnih na kvar, daje kako analiticki tako i heuristicki pristup rjesavanju problema tolerancije na kvar. Sam sustav...