
Low-power sensor interfaces for detection of sporadic events
Low-power sensor interfaces for detection of sporadic events
Marko Gazivoda
The focus of this thesis was on wake up sensor interfaces used for lowering sensor node power consumptions. The interfaces’ intended application was detection of sporadic transient events in the lower acoustic spectrum (up to 2.5 kHz), lasting up to a few seconds. The passing speedboat event was chosen as a representative event. Acoustic signal features were analyzed, and a set of criteria was developed to determine the feature’s applicability in low power interfaces for passing...
Low-power wearable system for asthmatic wheeze detection
Low-power wearable system for asthmatic wheeze detection
Dinko Oletić
Area of this research is minimization of energy consumption of electronic systems for long-term monitoring of common symptom of chronic asthma - asthmatic wheezing. The proposed electronic sensor system consists of a wearable sensor measuring the mechanical vibrations on skin surface originating from respiration, and a wireless mobile device (smartphone). The system conducts automatic recognition of respiratory sounds. The essential design requirement is energy consumption at which the...
Machine learning and evolutionary computation in design and analysis of symmetric key cryptographic algorithms
Machine learning and evolutionary computation in design and analysis of symmetric key cryptographic algorithms
Karlo Knežević
In the field of cryptography, Boolean functions and their generalizations, known as vectorial Boolean functions or S-boxes, play a crucial role in symmetric key cryptography. The use of carefully selected S-boxes is essential for ensuring the security of ciphers, as without them, the ciphers would be susceptible to attacks. Symmetric key cryptography can be classified into stream ciphers and block ciphers, both of which use Boolean functions (including vectorial Boolean functions) for...
Machine learning based object classification from pulse induction metal detector data
Machine learning based object classification from pulse induction metal detector data
Marko Šimić
Antipersonnel landmines still pose a significant threat to civilian safety decades after the cessation of conflicts, killing or maiming thousands of victims every year. This thesis addresses a major technological limitation of existing methods used in humanitarian demining, which rely on metallic object detection, making landmine removal a slow, expensive, and dangerous process. Specifically, the thesis aims to improve existing methods to allow the shift from the traditional concept of...
Magnetsko polje u okolini distribucijskih transformatora
Magnetsko polje u okolini distribucijskih transformatora
Branimir Ćućić
Napravljen je 3D proračun magnetskog polja oko distribucijskih transformatora pomoću integralnih jednadžbi. Primijenjena je metoda sekundarnih izvora. Svi dijelovi kroz koje teku struje (namoti, izvodi) su primarni izvori magnetskog polja, dok se feromagnetski materijali (jezgra, kotao) modeliraju pomoću sekundarnih izvora. Sekundarni izvori za linearni kvazistatički model feromagnetskog materijala su: - gustoća vrtložnih struja unutar volumena materijala - magnetizacijski strujni...
Market and environment driven optimization of flexible distributed multi-generation
Market and environment driven optimization of flexible distributed multi-generation
Tomislav Capuder
The share of renewable energy sources in electric power systems around the world is rapidly increasing and this trend is expected to continue in the future. According to "EU Energy and Climate Package" the European Union has set ground for future strategies indicating a goal of 20% share of renewable energy sources in total energy mix by the year 2020, together with 20% more efficient energy use, 20% reduced CO2 emissions and 10% more efficient transport. Several reports and documents...
Matematički model cijevnoga hidroagregata za utvrđivanje uzroka njihanja snage
Matematički model cijevnoga hidroagregata za utvrđivanje uzroka njihanja snage
Miljenko Brezovec
Njihanje snage u hidroelektranama i općenito pojave povezane s oscilacijama i vibracijama, su česti pogonski problemi u radu pojedinih agregata. Primjeri istraživanja takvih pojava na cijevnim hidroagregatima s horizontalnim Kaplan turbinama su rijetki. Takvi agregati zbog svoje složene konstrukcije mogu imati različite probleme s oscilacijama i vibracijama, a zbog malog momenta tromosti imaju loša svojstva s aspekta stabilnosti. Pojave njihanja snage na HE Dubrava prisutne su na oba...
Measurement of rock resistivity using inductive method in a cased well
Measurement of rock resistivity using inductive method in a cased well
Darko Vasić
Rock conductivity measurement is a pivotal method in the open-hole well logging for evaluation of hydrocarbon reservoirs. The conductivity measurement is also required in cased wells as an addition to the radiation methods. Only a contact conductivity tool is available for the cased well application. This thesis proposes an inductive method for simultaneous measurement of the rock conductivity and the casing properties (thickness, conductivity, and permeability) from within single...
Measurement system for fingerprint acquisition
Measurement system for fingerprint acquisition
Ivan Plajh
In this work, fingerprint image acquisition system based on Infineon Technologies FingerTIP sensor is presented. Parts of the system that are necessary for the system functionality are explained, including the fingerprint recognition technique overview. General explanation of biometrics, needed for better understanding of the area where such systems are implemented is given. Basic comparison of the majority of the biometric technique efficiency is provided in order to determine...
Mehanizmi kvalitete usluge i upravljanje prioritetima u sustavu UMTS i HSPA
Mehanizmi kvalitete usluge i upravljanje prioritetima u sustavu UMTS i HSPA
Iva Medvid Balenović
Evolucijom 3G mobilnog širokopojasnog prometa koji nudi visoke brzine prijenosa podataka ukazala se potreba za razvojem mehanizama koji jamče učinkovito rukovanje radio resursima. Usko grlo 3G podatkovne mreže može se nalaziti u različitim dijelovima mreže, ovisno o infrastrukturi (npr. u radijskom ili jezgrenom dijelu). Operateri odlučuju na koji način se nositi s problemom zagušenja, bilo širenjem mreže, povećavajući CAPEX ili pronalaženjem i korištenjem načina za kontrolu...
Mehanizmi kvalitete usluge za upravljanje kritičnim podacima u poslovnoj mreži
Mehanizmi kvalitete usluge za upravljanje kritičnim podacima u poslovnoj mreži
Dario Galinec
Računalna mreža u velikim tvrtkama predstavlja sustav čiji su resursi podijeljeni između više vrsta različitih aplikacija. Aplikacije poslovno-informacijskog sustava kritične su aplikacije na mreži, od velike važnosti za cjelokupno poslovanje tvrtke te kao takve zahtijevaju određene prioritete. U ovom radu opisani su mehanizmi za kvalitetu usluge, kojima se aplikacijama poslovno-informacijskog sustava, pridjeljuje prednost pred drugim aplikacijama u poslovnoj mreži, u smislu...
Mehanički učinci struja kratkoga spoja na sustav užetnih sabirnica
Mehanički učinci struja kratkoga spoja na sustav užetnih sabirnica
Davor Petranović
U radu je provedena analiza i sinteza užetnih sabirnica. U analizi su modelirani dijelovi užetnih sabirnica i izvršeni proračuni naprezanja i gibanja užetnih vodiča, odnosno mehanički učinci struje kratkog spoja. Primijenjene su suvremene metode proračuna primjerene za obradu sustava nelinearnih jednadžbi (statički proračun) i sustava diferencijalnih jednadžbi (dinamički proračun), koje vjerno opisuju obrađivani problem. U sintezi su pomoću genetskih algoritama odabrani...
